Concrete Grind & Polish Blog
February 17, 2021
When people are considering options for flooring surfaces in their new home or their existing one, a question is commonly asked whenever the topic of polished concrete floors comes up: Can concrete floors really be beautiful? Of course, they can! Sure, we are a little bit biased when it comes to answering that particular question. After […]
January 15, 2021
When it comes to a concrete floor polish, the modern Grind & Polish method delivers stunning high-shine results. This type of polish, also known as Diamond Polished Concrete, is a relatively new option for a luxurious and high-quality finish. The shine is unbelievable! It’s achieved through a number of steps starting with the same process as […]
December 10, 2020
Tile floors are a traditional flooring surface in Kiwi homes but we think concrete is better. Of course, we might be biased given that concrete polishing is what we do for both residential and commercial properties. However, bear with us and you’ll see some very good reasons why polished concrete floors in NZ are a superior […]
November 10, 2020
Concrete floor polishing has a long, long list of benefits. We all know that concrete floors are highly durable, easy to clean, hypoallergenic and striking to look at. But one of the lesser talked-about benefits of polished concrete floors in Auckland homes and businesses is the way they reflect light. Thanks to their gloss and sheen, […]
October 15, 2020
Check out real estate listings online or in the newspaper and there’s no doubt at all that one of the most common terms you’ll see is “indoor-outdoor flow”. It’s everywhere. When any property boasts such a feature, real estate agents are not shy about letting the world know. There’s a very good reason why. Indoor-outdoor flow […]
September 14, 2020
Are you thinking about covering your old and drab concrete floors with carpet, or going for another flooring surface altogether? Don’t do it until you’ve talked with us. We can work our magic on what you already have and make your old floors look brand new. In fact, they’ll look even better than brand new. They’ll […]
August 11, 2020
We’re not surprised at the increased demand for polished concrete floors in NZ homes and commercial settings. Modern polished floors have long shed that unfair reputation for being “cold” and “industrial” and are now seen as features in their own right. We’re biased of course, given that we’re specialists in Auckland concrete polishing, but we think […]
July 15, 2020
If you think concrete grinding is a case of plugging it in and letting rip, then we have news for you. As Auckland concrete grinders who have been around for a few years, we know there is more to grinding than meets the eye. Come and see what we do every day and you’ll soon figure […]
June 15, 2020
We love reading the testimonials we receive about our work. Not because they’re good for our ego but because they spur us on to even greater heights. Occasionally, we receive a stellar review from a very select group of people within our client base – pet owners. They love the fact that concrete floors are pet […]